Tuesday, February 17, 2009

cuppies biz??

hey everybody..arini aku takde pape plan..so stay home..tgk tv je la..for the past 1week or more, we've been baking more cuppies until it accidentally become sort of a tiny winy business. we didnt plan all this as its just a hobby or our fun time. now we keep on receiving order from friends. anyway ours are not that fancy its more to simple and classic. hope everyone enjoys it..
now i am trying to have different flavours and different types of topping too..our prices maybe a little high compared to the bakery or other cupcakes makers but please understand that we are home made and we dont do mass producing.. at the moment we have done with the 1st order and upcoming thres another 3 orders..anniversary,birthday and belated valentine's day. its not alot but its a start..


Modandi said...

the cupcakes look tasty!

Linda Zalani said...

thx tho..
stil learning.